The Institute of Environment and Recreation Management (IERM) was established in 1936 to allow networking opportunities for municipal managers who are responsible for the management of public parks, open space and recreation facilities. The IERM aims to be the leading public-sector organisation promoting sustainable and integrated environmental and recreation management practices in South Africa. The organisation is a non-profit, common-law association owned and governed by the municipalities who are its members.

Contact Us
Phone: +27 11 061-5000
Physical Address:
Hurlingham Office Park
Baobab Block
59 Woodlands Ave
Hurlingham Manor
Gauteng, 2191
Baobab Block
59 Woodlands Ave
Hurlingham Manor
Gauteng, 2191
Post and Courier:
PostNet Suite #0530
Private Bag X51
Bryanston 2021
PostNet Suite #0530
Private Bag X51
Bryanston 2021
S 26º 05' 21.0" E 28º 01' 24"
S 26º 05' 21.0" E 28º 01' 24"
Secretariat Services
provided by Vdw&Co
provided by Vdw&Co